Subclass 143(Contributory Parent Visa)
The Australian Department of Home Affairs operates a Parent Visa that is for people who have children living in Australia as permanent residents or citizens for a minimum of 2 years.
In order to qualify for this visa the applicant must meet what is referred to as the balance of family test. This test states that the applicant must have at least half of their children living in Australia as an Australian citizen or permanent resident or that more of your children live in Australia than any other country. All children, including step children and adopted children of both parents are included in the balance of family test.
In addition to the balance of family test you must be sponsored by an eligible person, usually your child and you must meet the health and character requirements.
You Must:
- have an eligible child who is a settled Australian citizen, Permanent resident or Eligible New Zealand citizen, unless you are applying for the Retirement Pathway
- meet the balance-of-family test, unless you are applying for the Retirement Pathway or hold a Subclass 173 visa
- have an Assurance of Support, unless you are applying for the Retirement Pathway
- not have already applied for or hold a Sponsored Parent (Temporary) (Subclass 870) visa when applying for this visa
This is a permanent visa referred to as a “Contributory” visa. This is because the initial application fee is $4,155 for the first applicant and $1,400 for spouse. However the second instalment for each applicant is $43,600. This visa takes approximately 3.5 to 4.5 years to process and is a permanent visa from approval.
The large “Contribution” of money that is called for upon the second instalment is in order to offset the rights that are awarded to the visa holder under permanent residency such as health care that they have not contributed towards throughout their lives as ordinary Australians have throughout their life by way of tax.
Subclass 103 (Non-Contributory Parent Visa)
The subclass 103 visa is a capped, non-contributory visa that allows parents of a settled Australian citizen, permanent or resident eligible New Zealand citizen migrate to Australia permanently.
Parent visas are in high demand and consequently has a very long waiting time (30+ years).
Key Eligibility Criteria
- Be sponsored by an eligible child (an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen)
- Meet the balance of family test:
- at least half of your children/step-children are eligible, or
- there are more eligible children living in Australia than in any other single country
- Obtain an assurance of support
- Have health insurance
- Meet health and character requirements
Application Process
- Check your eligibility
- Gather all documents, including sponsor documents
- Apply for the visa and pay the first instalment
- Application will be assessed and placed in queue
- Applicants must wait for a visa to become available
- Applications will be assessed again when a place becomes available
- Second instalment must be paid before visa is granted
Subclass 870(Temporary Parent Visa):
This temporary visa lets a parent of an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen visit Australia for up to 3 or 5 years .
With this visa you:
- can visit Australia for up to 3 or 5 years per visa
- can apply for further visas to visit up to a maximum period in Australia of 10 years
- cannot work in Australia
You must:
- have an approved Parent Sponsor before you can lodge an application for this visa
- apply online for this visa
- lodge your visa application within 6 months of the sponsorship approval, or 60 days if you are given Permission to Apply in Australia